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脾氣較大 , 生性固執 , 吠叫聲大而獨特 . 基本上是淘氣的犬種
狗智識頻道 > 中國冠毛犬
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中國冠毛犬標準體重 : 3.1k.g 5.4k.g

標準體高 : 23cm 32.5cm

原產地 : Mexico

名字由來 : Meaning of "Top Crown"

有趣資料 : Once used as the warm water bag, drugs, food of dogs.

標準外型 : A toy dog, fine-boned, elegant and graceful. The distinct varieties are born in the same litter. The Hairless with hair only on the head, tail and feet and the Powderpuff, completely covered with hair.

毛質和毛色 : The Hairless variety has hair on certain portions of the body: the head (called a crest), the tail (called a plume) and the feet from the toes to the front pasterns and rear hock joints (called socks). The texture of all hair is soft and silky, flowing to any length.

披毛護理 : Grooming is minimal-consisting of presenting a clean and neat appearance.

飼養要點 : Maintenance of the Hairless variety's skin is similar to maintaining human skin—and as such it can be susceptible to acne, dryness, and sunburn. Hypoallergenic or oil-free moisturizing cream can keep the skin from becoming too dry when applied every other day or after bathing. Burning can occur in regions that are subject to strong UV-rays radiation, especially in lighter-skinned dogs. Many owners apply baby sunscreen to their pets before spending time in strong sun. Some Cresteds have skin allergies to Lanolin, so be cautious when using any products that contain it.

性格 : They are also alert and playful companions and do

歷史和用途 : The Chinese Crested is believed to have evolved from the African hairless dogs. These dogs were traded among merchants and sailors thereby making their way to ancient port cities around the world. The Chinese, who seemed to favor dogs of smaller size, selectively bred the African hairless to a smaller size and continued an active trade. Explorers, as early as the 1500s, found these dogs in ports throughout Central and South America as well as African and Asian cities.

適合此犬種的人 :  well in families with gentle children.

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