標準外型 : The head is of good length, showing much refinement, the skull evenly balanced with the foreface.Ears are long, eyes are almond-shaped (almost triangular), Tail set not too high on the body, having a ring, or a curve on the end; should never be curled over.
毛質和毛色 : silky hair,All colors are permissible, but color or color combinations are pleasing; white markings
披毛護理 : their coat requires regular grooming
飼養要點 : Best way to get someone to take care of its coat, a lot of exercise. Afghan Hound stranger is very sensitive, sometimes aggressive cats and rabbits. Professional obedience training is a must. But to tame them and also take some time. Do not relax the leash because the dog's characteristic smell the odor, performance excitement. Outdoors, it is difficult to control their behavior. They love to bark and roar, and so is not suitable for feeding in apartments.
性格 : Known for being aloof, dignified, and for having a highly individualized personality
歷史和用途 : The Afghan hound was discovered by the Western World in Afghanistan and surrounding regions during the 19th century. As the breed developed in Afghanistan, two distinct types evolved from the southern and western desert regions and the northern regions. During WWI, the breed literally disappeared in the Western world. The start of the Afghan Hounds we have today dates back to 1920, when a group of them was brought to Scotland.