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Curious and comedic happy-go-lucky and friendly
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芝娃娃標準體重 : 0.5k.g 2.7k.g

標準體高 : 12cm左右

原產地 : Mexico, Chihuahua

名字由來 : The breed derives its name from the Mexican State of Chihuahua

有趣資料 : Mexico ancient national Saint of dogs

標準外型 : A well rounded "apple dome" skull, with or without molera.

毛質和毛色 : In the Smooth Coats, the coat should be of soft texture, close and glossy. (Heavier coats with undercoats permissible.) Coat placed well over body with ruff on neck preferred, and more scanty on head and ears. Hair on tail preferred furry. In Long Coats, the coat should be of a soft texture, either flat or slightly wavy, with undercoat preferred.
Any color - Solid, marked or splashed.

披毛護理 : Smooth coated Chihuahuas need very little grooming due to their short hair. Long coats need occasional brushing but still require minimal grooming.

飼養要點 : their small size, they require little exercise and are good city dogs, but can be sensitive to cold temperatures.

性格 : Graceful, alert and swift-moving with a saucy expression,

歷史和用途 : Legend and history are rich in tales of the ancestors of the present Chihuahua. He is described as a popular pet, as well as a religious necessity. The Techichi, companion of the ancient Toltecs, is believed to be the progenitor of the Chihuahua. No records of the Techichi are, so far, available prior to the 9th century, but it is probable his ancestors were present prior to the Mayans. Dogs approximating the Chihuahua are found in materials from the Pyramids of Cholula, predating 1530 and in the ruins of Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula.There is little question the Chihuahua’s principle home was present-day Mexico but the breeds immigration to Europe may be the result of the travels of Christopher Columbus. A historical letter written by Columbus to the King of Spain makes reference to the tiny dog.

適合此犬種的人 : They are good with families if the children are gentle and patient.

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