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開朗 , 溫馴 , 是對主人忠心的犬種
頭頂微圓,耳尖略圓. 中至略大,眼睛略大, 呈核桃狀,尾巴中等厚度, 尾尖渾圓.
他們的體型差別較大,是安哥拉兔中最溫馴及最聽話的,因此和他們剃毛亦較容易,一年里大概能生產36-64oz 的毛,是其他安哥拉兔產量的4倍哦。
狗智識頻道 > 紐芬蘭犬
大型犬 > 工作犬組
其他狗隻智識資料 > 
紐芬蘭犬標準體重 : 50 69kg

標準體高 : 66 71 cm左右

原產地 : Newfoundland

標準外型 : Newfoundland is a large, heavily coated, well balanced dog that is deep-bodied, heavily boned, muscular, and strong. A good specimen of the breed has dignity and proud head carriage.

毛質和毛色 : The adult Newfoundland has a flat, water-resistant, double coat that tends to fall back into place when rubbed against the nap. colors are black, brown, gray, and white and black.

披毛護理 : Regular brushing is important to maintain his plush coat.

性格 : Sweetness of temperament is the hallmark of the Newfoundland; this is the most important single characteristic of the breed.Newfs are also an intelligent breed and are readily trained.

歷史和用途 : There are many conflicting stories as to the origin of the Newfoundland – some say he descended from the Great Pyrenees or a "French hound" – but nearly all agree that he originated in Newfoundland and his ancestors were brought there by fisherman from the European continent. In Newfoundland he was used as a working dog to pull nets for the fishermen and to haul wood from the forest. He also did heavy labor, such as powering the blacksmith's bellows.

適合此犬種的人 : The Newfoundland’s sweet disposition makes him a good fit for families.

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