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Fearless and confident yet docile. combines the reliability, intelligence, and willingness
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猴子犬標準體重 : 3k.g 4k.g

標準體高 : 24 cm 28 cm

原產地 : Germany

名字由來 : The Affenpinscher (translated from German as Monkey-Terrier) is a peppy dog that has the face and impish nature of a monkey.

有趣資料 : Looks like a monkey character of dogs.

標準外型 : The chest is moderately broad and deep; ribs are moderately sprung.The head is in proportion to the body, carried confidently with monkey-like facial expression. Tail may be docked or natural. A docked tail is generally between 1" and 2" long,natural tail is set high and carried curved gently up over the back while moving.

毛質和毛色 : Dense hair, rough, harsh, and about 1" in length on the shoulders and body.Color Black, gray, silver, red, black and tan, or belge

披毛護理 : Their wiry coat should be brushed and combed twice a week and trimmed twice a year.

飼養要點 : Short, easy with respiratory problems, can not feeding in sultry places

性格 : Game, alert, and inquisitive with great loyalty and affection toward its master and friends. The breed is generally quiet, but can become vehemently excited when threatened or attacked, and is fearless toward any aggressor.

歷史和用途 : One of the most ancient of toy dogs, the Affenpinscher originated in Central Europe (Munich, Germany and France), where they earned the nickname "little devil with a moustache." During the 17th century, small terriers were frequently kept around stables, on farms or in stores where they served as ratters.

適合此犬種的人 : Their small size makes them ideal for an apartment. They are very active indoors and most of their exercise needs can be met with indoor play, but they enjoy daily walks.

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