標準外型 : has large dark eyes, a short nose, a high domed head and a line of black skin around the mouth.has a traditionally docked tail.It has the long pendulous ears typical
毛質和毛色 : Silk with a wave-like long hair, hair color has a Ruby red color, black and Brown and lean soil spots
飼養要點 : Active people who like outdoor sports.
性格 : Gentle and playful show faithfully.
歷史和用途 : In the 17th century, toy spaniels began to feature in paintings by Dutch artists such as Caspar Netscher and Peter Paul Rubens. Spanish artists, including Juan de Valdés Leal and Diego Velázquez, also depicted them; in the Spanish works, the dogs were tricolour, black and white or entirely white. French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon would later describe these types of dogs as crosses between spaniels and Pugs.